Ora • AskYourGirls

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Weekly Reading

In this session, we’ll start by clearing the space with incense to open the channels ...

Color Therapy

In this session, we will identify the state that you’re currently in & what you ...

Aura Scan

In this session, we’ll use clairvoyance to tap into your energetic field to show the ...
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Helping souls become in tune with their intuition by working with + discovering their divine energy.

About Ora

When I first discovered my passion for energy healing, I was at a very low time in my life.

I came across a facebook live that really sparked my interest. The lady was talking about discovering more of what lights you up & how that mindset shift change could bring more joy & fulfillment into our lives.

I knew I needed that desperately. Thats when my healing journey really begun.

Since this change, Ive noticed showing up for myself & the people I love brings me more healing, happiness, & fulfillment I never thought possible.

I am extremely passionate about helping women become more in tune with their intuition & tap in to their higher-self like I did.

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What We Offer

I offer events, retreats and energy healing.

Meet Ora

When I first discovered my passion for energy healing, I was at a very low time in my life. I came across a facebook live that really sparked my interest. The lady...read more

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