Michelle • AskYourGirls

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SEASON 2-EP. #7: Breaking Barriers and Healing Wounds: A Powerful Discussion on Overcoming Trauma

You can purchase the artwork from Michelle’s Mission Shop

About Michelle

I’m a disability writer with a blog called Michelle’s Mission. On my blog, I write about my life with a Learning Disability and feature my photography. I also have a store where people can purchase merchandise with my artwork. I also began a  forum where people with disabilities can connect. The purpose of Michelle’s Mission is to encourage, empower, and educate people with and without disabilities.

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What We Offer

Photography, Art, Writing, Store, Disability Forum

Words To Live By

"Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadows. It's what the Sunflowers do." Helen Keller

Meet Michelle

I'm a disability writer with a blog called Michelle's Mission. On my blog, I write about my life with a Learning Disability and feature my photography. I also have a store where...read more

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