Sandra • AskYourGirls

Mr. B’s started with anxiety relief, and we now have a canine line made with organic, all-natural, 100% pure essential oils. I have also added collars, leashes, and bowties to honor my beautiful collie Tiffany who passed in 2017, and shortly after that, I adopted Bentley. Mr. B’s is a woman-owned business.

About Sandra

I live an active lifestyle, and I use natural products for myself and my dog Bentley. I am addicted to Lagree fitness, regularly practice breathwork, eat healthily, spend time with family and friends, and travel.

I started my business because of Bentley, a rescue I adopted in 2017. Like most rescues, they have issues. Bentley was two when I adopted him. So I didn’t know much about his past except what the rescue organization knew. The organization specializes in saving dogs that are about to be euthanized.

Bentley was abandoned and found during the summer in Ramona, California. Ramona is hot during the summer and is home to rattlesnakes, coyotes, and mountain lions.

When I adopted him, he had anxiety, had not been socialized, had skin issues, didn’t trust me, and still doesn’t after five years.

His anxiety is what started Mr. B’s. I asked my friend to formulate an all-natural, non-toxic essential oil blend for Bentley’s anxiety. It worked well. It was a rough first two years with Bentley because of his anxiety. I spent a lot of money and time trying to help Bentley. I know many people adopt rescues with anxiety, and I want to help the dogs and humans that adopt them.

Bentley and I went through obedience training and therapy dog training. We visit hospice patients. I then asked my friend to formulate skin, fur, nose, paw, and antiseptic products for visits with the patients.

I have gained knowledge from my experiences with Bentley, including how to heal two torn ACLs. As a result,  I did not opt for surgery. Instead, I turned to a holistic and supplement approach, preparing his food weekly, PT and water therapy, and restricting his activity. After several months, he is active and walks without limping. Bentley has been my teacher. He’s taught me to be patient and understanding.

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Mr. B's Canine Line Sandra Moreno
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What We Offer

All natural canine products and accessories

Meet Sandra

I live an active lifestyle, and I use natural products for myself and my dog Bentley. I am addicted to Lagree fitness, regularly practice breathwork, eat healthily, spend time with family more

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